Kotóre offers free returns on all purchases. We understand that sometimes you get an item and it just isn’t what you were expecting. Maybe it’s the wrong size, perhaps it’s the wrong cut, or maybe you just don’t like it as much in person as you did on screen. Whatever the reason for your return, we want to make it a hassle free experience so you can try on your next choice.
In order for your return to be accepted, all original tags must still be attached in their original position. Shoes and footwear must be in their original box. Kotóre must be notified of your intention to return and your item must be shipped within 30 days of the item’s original delivery date. Free returns are only guaranteed within the contiguous United States. Packages shipped from outside the contiguous United States may incur additional shipping charges, to be determined at time of shipping.
To process your return, Kotóre must be notified of your intent to return an order to initiate the refund and return process. Kotóre can be reached by phone at (855) 956-8673, or through our online Contact Form. Upon notification of your intent to return, Kotóre will issue you a return label and instructions; in most cases your shipment’s original packaging may be repurposed for your return packaging. Refunds will be issued after merchandise has been received by Kotóre.